© Unique Selection  
Rufname: Siwa hebräisch: hell / strahlend
  1 x BIG 3
  1 x BOB
  2 x BOS
  1 x CACIB
  2 x Res. CACIB
  8 x Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
10 x  Res. Anw. Dt. Ch VDH
1 x Res. CAC San Marino
1 x  Res. CAC DRC
1 x  Res. CAC GRC
1 x Res. CAC Neutral
1 x Anw. Dt. JCh. VDH
1 x Res. Anw. Dt. JCh. VDH

Deutscher Champion VDH

Deutscher Champion DRC

Sieger Hannover 2017

Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
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Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque Sequins Sleque
Datenbank >> Deutscher Retriever Club e.V. <<
ZB-Nr.: NHSB 2927573
gew. am: 07.06.2013
Farbe: creme
Vater Kamp. Artic Light du Pays de Boheme / Bes. Casper Knippenborg
Mutter Non Stop Jam Session / Bes. Casper Knippenborg
Züchter Casper Knippenborg
Kamp. Artic Light du Pays
de Boheme

LOF 67510 Int./Irl./NL/Lux./Schwed./ Dän.-
Ch. BS'08 LS-Thür./BS'07 Sgr-Leipzig'07 Euro.-Ch. BJS'06 JSieger-Brdb Int.-Ch. Dt.-Ch.(GRC) VDH-Ch. Irl./Schwed./NL/Lux./Dän.-Ch.
Dt.-JCh. Lux. -JCh. BS'07'08 Sieger-Thür./ Leipzig'07 Euro.-
Ch. BJS'06 JSieger-Brdbg.
HD: C ED: frei/frei - NHSB 2604059
Gunmarsh Xtrodinaire
LOF 023378/03340
Täto-Nr.: WHJ 701 F.T. Trialer T.A.N., Epreuve A+B HD: BKC Y0374801Y01
Gunmarsh Lucas
HD: HS 5/3
KC T5585303T04
Gunmarsh Maestro
KC L5422606L04
Gunmarsh Dawn
KC R2966608R03
Gunmarsh Octavia
GB.Show-Ch. GB-Show-Ch.
Berrick of Gunmarsh
KC H5658308J04
Gunmarsh Jasmine
Majik Kiss Me Quick
FIN 27862/98 Int.-Ch. Int.-Ch.
Dt.-Ch.(GRC) VDH-Ch. F.T.
(a la francaise) HD: A
LOF 26490/04163
Nightdream Music Maker
SF 10503/88 Fin./Est.-Ch. Fin./
HD: B1
Ulveplassens Andantino
N 12376/81 Norw.-Ch. Norw.-
Ch. - HD: A - A-02514
Dinky Jolly Fenja
SF 18587/83 Fin./Norw.-Ch. Norw./Fin.-Ch.
HD: A - A-02513
Majik Plisetskaja
FIN 18207/95
Linchael Corniche
KC L3718001L03
HD: A - SF 09198/87
Dabess Creme de Cassis
HD: A - N 01119/87
Non Stop Jam Session
NHSB 2807466
MET. 9041/08 
Gatchells Man of Honour
Int.-/Belg.-Ch. Clubjgdsgr.'03(GRC) Int.-Ch. Belg.-Ch. CJS(GRC)'03 WT
HD: HS 3/3 ED: frei/frei
KC AC01045305
Golmas Governor
KC Y1975906Y02 Belg./GB.Show-Ch. JW Belg./GB.Show-Ch. JWinner HD: HS 3/5 ED: frei/frei
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde
HD: HS 6/7 - KCSB 1971CJ
Golmas Gracen Favour
HD: HS 3/3 - KC V3218406V03
Gatchells Royal Orchid
GB-Show-Ch. GB-Show-Ch. JW
HD: HS 4/5 KCSB 0031CJ
Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood
GB.Show-Ch. GB-Show-Ch.
HD: HS 4/4 - KCSB 2212CH
Gatchells Maid for Music
GB.Show-Ch. GB-Show-Ch.
Non-Stop Dió
Europ./Ung.-Ch. ES Winner-Ung.'03/Serb.'02
HD: A ED: frei/frei
MET. 5705/01
Karvin Zaicca
FIN 36186/98 Int./Ung.-Ch. Slov.Clubsgr.'01 Int.-Ch. Ung.-Ch. Slov.Clubsgr.'01 BLP Workingtest
HD: A HR 10805 GR
Kerrien Raleigh
KC V1709503V02 Fin.-Ch. Fin.-Ch.
HD: A ED: frei/frei - FIN 16501/96
Karvin Greta Garbo
HD: B1 - FIN 26138/92
Primrose Déjá Vu
Ung.-Ch. Ung.-Ch. Ung.-JCh.
Karvin Basic Instinct
MET 972/95 Int./Ung.-Ch. Clsgr.Zagr'98 Bsgr.Österr.'97'99 Int.-Ch. Ung.-Ch. Ung.-JCh. BS-Österr.'97'99 CS-Zagr.'98 Ung.Jagdprfg.
HD: B ED: frei/frei - FIN 26920/95
Gáláns Trallala
Int./Ung.-Ch. Int.-Ch. Ung.-Ch.
MET. 535/94